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Описание товара: Canmake Cover And Strech Concealer UV Корректор 7,5гр
SPF25 / PA ++ ,имеет мягкий наконечник аппликатора, без запаха и спирта, маскирует любые проблемы на коже
Covers skin problems, while also protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays and dryness. A UV concealer that won't run or look powdery
SPF25/PA++ Has a soft applicator tip that makes it easier to apply to both larger areas and more tricky areas. Pigment-free, Unperfumed, Alcohol-free, non-chemical UV filters, flexible stretchy powder, light-diffusing powder, contains conditioning and sebum-absorbing powder, botanical moisturizing agents, moisturizing/skin-protecting agent, skin-firming agents
The stretchy formulation with a light-diffusing effect covers pigmentation irregularities, pores and fine lines, preventing your make-up running or creasing. Provides thorough protection against ultraviolet rays and dryness, and prevents freckles, spots and brown rings around the eyes due to exposure to the sun, ensuring that you have beautifully smooth, moist, translucent skin. Waterproof formulation is resistant to water, sweat and sebum, controlling stickiness, shininess and dullness, for make-up that stays looking great all day long.
If you use a powder foundation, use before applying foundation, but if you use a liquid foundation, use after applying it.
Apply directly to areas of concern, such as dark rings around the eyes, dull patches, red patches, freckles, spots and acne scarring, and pat lightly into your skin with your fingers.
Dab powder on top to hold the color in place and achieve longer-lasting beauty.
Производитель: CANMAKE
Страна-производитель: Япония
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- SURFACE MAIL – морское почтовое отправление. Сроки: от 2 месяцев.
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