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Описание товара: Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation Основа под макияж, 30мл
Производитель: KOH GEN DO
Страна-производитель: Япония
Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation
A liquid mineral foundation that mimics the 'post-facial' glow of your skin. Skincare integrated formula and specific mineral powder cuts brightens the skin, minimizes pores and fine lines to provide a youthful appearing dewy skin.
Made with minerals from the deep waters of Bretagne with botanical emollients and extracts.
• Added skin color control factor to reproduce radiance on the skin.
• Two new powders: Skin brightener and soft focus effect powder that gives diffusion to make skin appear softer and brighter. Reflects light to erase shadows from uneven surfaces and pores giving a smooth flawless impression.
• Integrated with high performance conditioning ingredients that supplement a self-moisturizing property for long flawless wear.
• Finish with powder for a professional Porcelain impression.
• Finish without powder for a Natural Glowing 'post-facial' impression.
• T3 Oil Blend to hydrate and provide long comfortable wear.
T3 Oil – Our special treatment blend of 3 pure botanical emollients (Jojoba Seed Oil, Olive Squalane & Shea Butter) created originally in our Azabu Facial Salon in Japan as one of the key component in skin care. T3 Oil has a high affinity and beneficial properties for the skin leaving it soft and supple.
Manufacturer: KOH GEN DO
Country of origin: Japan
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- SURFACE MAIL – морское почтовое отправление. Сроки: от 2 месяцев.
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