5 reasons why you should look for cystine in dietary supplements
Luxurious hair and nails, fresh complexion, prolongation of youth, resistance to infections - all these are the consequences of taking cystine.
Today we will talk about cystine. A thing not as widely known as collagen, for example, however, the properties of cystine are very valuable - especially for those who want to prolong youth and see positive changes in the mirror.
What is cystine
By its chemical nature, cystine is an entry into the group of sulfur-containing amino acids. Its formula is colorless crystals.We leave the details to chemists, something else is important to us: in the human body, cystine is the main component of almost all proteins. And proteins are a “must have” for the beauty of the skin, nails and hair, as well as youth in general.

Cystine and cysteine - what is the difference
Cystine and cysteine are not synonyms, they are two different substances, but they are related. Cystine is an amino acid, a product of the oxidation of cysteine. They both take part in the formation of peptides and proteins, play an important role in the formation of skin tissues and the formation of collagen. All this happens inside the body (as nature intended), but as we all know, over time, many processes in the body begin to "jump".
In order to get the cystine we need from cysteine, a biological process takes place in the body - but it is possible only under certain conditions. For example, in the presence of specialized enzymes and a sufficient amount of B vitamins. The process is also affected by the presence of certain diseases (especially unlucky for those who have liver problems) and metabolic disorders.
If you see L-cystine in the dietary supplement, this is also a good sign. It is formed by connecting two cysteine molecules with a disulfide bridge. In general, it has all the same properties.
Properties of cystine
Why do we need cystine and why look for it in dietary supplements?
Two groups of useful properties of cystine can be distinguished: one concerns our beauty and youth, and the other concerns our health in general.
Cystine for beauty is primarily a slowdown in the aging process at the biological level. Its reception improves the appearance of hair, strengthens nails, minimizes the signs of skin aging. For those who are actively involved in sports, cystine will help build muscle mass faster. For losing weight: cystine accelerates fat burning. Works well for age spots.
Cystine for health is a powerful fighter against toxic substances and an antioxidant (especially if you take vitamin C and selenium at the same time). This is an additional protection for the liver and brain (the second is especially necessary for those who take medications with serious side effects, like to drink and buy, or breathe cigarette smoke). Cystine is needed for recovery after surgery, rheumatoid arthritis, arterial disease, various forms of cancer. It also eases the course of many diseases.
Cystine Deficiency Symptoms: Causes and Consequences
An organism suffering from cystine deficiency will age faster. If you have the diseases or bad habits listed above, you will face the consequences much faster and in full (because the body does not have enough of its own forces for reliable protection). Or increase your chances of encountering them, for exactly the same reason - protection is weak, susceptibility to infections is high.
One of the reasons for the lack of cystine can also be called an unbalanced diet. Fish and especially salmon, chicken and eggs, pork, nuts, onions and garlic, soybeans, oats, oatmeal, broccoli and red peppers - these foods must be in the diet to maintain cystine levels.
However, not everything can be obtained from food. Firstly, the question is in the quality of products, and secondly, in dosages. The easiest way to compensate for the lack of cystine is to take dietary supplements with its content.
Application features and dosage
Additional intake of cystine is necessary for poor condition of hair, nails and skin, and especially after the age of 60 years. And also with high sports loads and the presence of poorly healing wounds.
Before taking cystine, it is still better to make an appointment with a doctor. Especially if you have diabetes, as this amino acid can reduce the effectiveness of the insulin you take.
Cystine is not recommended for people under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of a disease such as cystinuria.
The daily dose of cystine should not exceed 2.8 grams - this is taking into account food and supplements.
Usually, to replenish the daily rate of cystine, it is recommended to take no more than 1.8 grams (as part of dietary supplements, excluding food intake).
Dosages need to be monitored. An overdose can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, allergic reactions, headaches, and nausea are possible.
However, if you follow the dosage and enrich your diet, cystine will do an excellent service to your health, youth and beauty.
For beauty
Sports nutrition
For immunity
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