Nicotinamide: how to protect yourself from premature aging
Nicotinamide, niacinamide, vitamin B3 - this substance has many “names”, but one property. It is this that stops the aging of the body, but how? Let's talk about everything in order.
What is nicotinamide?
Nicotinamide (also called niacinamide) is a derivative of nicotinic acid and is also a form of water-soluble vitamin B3. In cosmetology, as well as in pharmaceuticals, the substance is used primarily as a powerful antioxidant that triggers metabolism in skin cells. But this is not the only process for which nicotinic acid is responsible.Vitamin B3 in the form of nicotinamide is a precursor of two coenzymes: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), as well as the nucleotide nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), obtained by combining ribose and nicotinamide. These elements are in their own way responsible for complete, deep and high-quality nutrition of the skin. Science has proven that one of the reasons for aging is the decrease in the effectiveness of these substances with age.
Nicotinamide and its coenzymes also stimulate the functioning of sirtuin in the body. Sirtuin is the “protein of youth” found in every living creature. The older a person is, the lower the concentration of sirtuin in cells, which means the faster aging occurs. It is thanks to sirtuin that the DNA structure is protected from damage and cellular energy is conserved. It works like this: Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), often obtained from legumes, is converted in the body into NAD+, which is directly related to the function of sirtuins in the body.
You can get NMN and NAD+ from vegetables and fruits, but usually the concentration of the active substance in foods like bread, buckwheat, beans, mushrooms or pineapple is not high enough. Scientists have found a way out: they began to synthesize nicotinamide and its derivatives in safe laboratory conditions.
How is nicotinamide synthesized?
First of all, it is important to note that the human body is capable of synthesizing vitamin B3 on its own, but the process slows down with age. At this point, it becomes necessary to add niacinamide externally - for example, using cosmetics or dietary supplements.Scientists synthesize nicotinamide from food: the most common source of the substance is legumes.
To produce nicotinamide in industrial conditions, modern technologies are turned to. The main raw material for NMN is a component called trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate. The substance is glycolyzed, that is, it “combines” glucose (sugar) residues with organic molecules, after which the stage of elimination of by-products and treatment with methanol is started. This results in a stable and safe ingredient for use.
Where is nicotinamide used, and most importantly - for what?
Nicotinamide is an integral component in cosmeceuticals and is often added to basic care products - not only for skin, but also for hair.First of all, niacinamide helps restore normal cellular metabolism. It stimulates the production of ceramides, moisturizes the skin, eliminates flaking and relieves irritation. The substance is indispensable in anti-aging serums and masks, but can also be used in the form of an affordable dietary supplement, as a drug for rejuvenation and beauty YUUGEN NMN+CoQ10.
Thanks to its antioxidant effect, nicotinamide protects the skin from the sun and cells from damage from UV rays. When using cosmetics enriched with vitamin B3, the barrier functions of the dermis are generally improved, its radiance, freshness and elasticity are restored.
Since nicotinamide is directly related to the work of sirtuins in the body, it has a noticeable anti-age effect. Wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and other signs of aging and lacking skin tone disappear, as well as aesthetic defects (for example, scars and post-acne marks).
Niacinamide also helps to gently tighten pores and restore matteness, so its presence in products for oily skin will only be a “plus”.
How does niacinamide interact with other substances?
Nicotinamide has a cumulative effect, so it works more effectively in products with high concentrations - from 5% and above.Manufacturers of care cosmetics have learned to emphasize the unique properties of the substance with the help of additional ingredients, for example, zinc and hyaluronic acid. Previously, it was believed that vitamin B3 and vitamin C cannot be combined with each other, but recent studies have proven that this is a myth. Vitamins work harmoniously in a duet.
In the product for rejuvenation and beauty YUUGEN NMN+CoQ10, the NMN formula is combined with coenzyme Q10. Nicotinamide in the form of stabilized nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), synthesized from legumes, when entering the body acquires the properties of NAD + - the very element that regulates the activity of sirtuins.
The coenzyme Q10 coenzyme is used as a “supporting” agent. With Q10 molecules, the generated energy is directed into skin cells, restoring cellular metabolism and protein synthesis, thereby triggering rejuvenation.
Restoring the level of NAD+ in the blood provides not only external changes, but also internal ones: when taking a daily dose of NMN, which ranges from 150 to 250 mg, endurance significantly increases, metabolism accelerates, memory and cognitive abilities improve.
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Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)
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