Breast lift without a scalpel, rejuvenation of the body, mitigation of menopause syndromes - this is not magic, but the result of the action of a plant called Pueraria Mirifica.
Fortunately, most ladies will not have to actually go on an expedition. Ancestors and scientists have already done everything for us. And we can only expand our beauty horizons and choose the best for ourselves, loved ones.
Today's beauty lot is a mysterious plant called Pueraria mirifica. It sounds like it's a magical Mandrake root or a unicorn's skin - and these associations (spoiler!) are not without reason. The effect that Pueraria Mirifica has on the female body can be compared with the effect of a magic potion.
What is Pueraria Mirifica
High in the mountains, in the northern part of Thailand, the tuberous plant Pueraria Mirifica grows. Outwardly - a shriveled apple or a stale potato. You can’t put this on the table, but for beauty and health it has been used since antiquity.
What is pueraria mirifica for: benefits and unique properties
Ancestors knew about the power of Pueraria, and modern research has only confirmed the effectiveness of using this plant in dietary supplements and cosmetology.
Among the positive effects:
- Increased vitality, general strengthening of the body.
- Relieve the symptoms of aging and menopause.
- Women's breasts become firmer and firmer, and increase in size.
- The remedy is considered an aphrodisiac, it is possible to increase sexual desire.
All these magical effects have a scientific explanation. The nondescript spine actually contains a decent dose of phytoestrogens.
As we age, the amount of natural estrogen in the body decreases. This leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a deterioration in appearance. The hair and nails are the first to suffer, and the skin responds with the appearance of wrinkles. Estrogen production slows down gradually, but this becomes especially noticeable after 35-40 years.
So, the phytoestrogens of Pueraria Mirifica have an effect on the body comparable to the effect of estrogen. As if no one thought to grow old.
During the research, improvements were noted in the following indicators:
- Increase skin elasticity, smooth wrinkles, whiten dark spots, lift effect, improve complexion.
- Reducing dryness in intimate areas and reducing pain during sexual intercourse after menopause.
- Normalization of hormonal levels, alignment of the emotional state.
- Hair growth, slowing down the appearance of gray hair, healthier and stronger nails.
- Beautiful breasts: phytoestrogens increase the density of breast tissue, the breasts acquire a beautiful shape, become elastic, receive support (do not hang).
Pueraria Mirifica in dietary supplements

A high concentration of Pueraria is contained in the complex for 20 days from DHC. The selected dosage, as well as additional components in the form of fenugreek and black cohosh, will help you achieve the desired beauty results faster.
A monthly course of Glamor Episode Supple promises positive changes in the breast in 2-4 weeks. The larger your initial size, the faster and brighter the result you will get. Bonus: general rejuvenation of the body.
The Royal Beauty Seriescourse is designed for a month - an idea for those who are serious about solving beauty issues. Beautiful breasts, an overall increase in energy, a feminine appearance, no problems due to menopause - all this will give a dosage of 50 mg or 1 tablet per day.
Pueraria Mirifica in cosmetics

Pueraria Mirifica often acts as an auxiliary component in creams aimed at increasing elasticity and fighting stretch marks.
If stretch marks, swelling and cellulite appear, try the favorite cream of many Japanese women - GLOSS BODY. Active ingredients such as bentonite, shea butter and avocado, as well as coffee and pueraria extracts fight these three problems.
Iriya beau Moisture Body Milk is effective against the main causes of skin aging - glycation and oxidation. The cream has a powerful composition: fullerene, growth factors, collagen, hyaluronic acid, pueraria extract and several dozen other components.
Magic wand for the skin of the chest and décolleté - Direia Stem Precious Decollete Essence serum. The effect is achieved through modern technology, which helps the components to better penetrate the dermis. The result is the elimination of bust sagging, the return of volume, the improvement of skin texture. This novelty from the brand has already been awarded the medal of the cosmetology community in Japan.
Two stunningly beautiful products from McCoy -Dolcet Bodymake Gel and Dolcet Sheet Maskwill help you get rounded and appetizing shapes! The purpose of the Dolcet line is to remind you how beautiful you are.
Products for body
Japanese vitamins for women
For beauty
For women's health