Your shopping cart after COVID
Covid turned out to be a slow-acting infection - even after recovery, the body needs increased attention and help.
After mild to moderate covid, it can “storm” for at least another 1 month. Severe forms require rehabilitation from 6 to 12 months.
Which body systems are most affected by covid?
The organ most affected by covid is the lungs. They bear the brunt of the coronavirus infection and during the development of the disease. Especially if with complications - they can be pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis.
Other systems also suffer: circulatory disorders in the brain, memory impairment, pathologies of the cardiovascular system (including heart attack and hypertension), disorders of the endocrine and digestive systems are possible. As well as a general violation of immunity, which entails inflammatory processes and the "awakening" of previously inactive diseases.
Many after covid feel short of breath or as if there is not enough air, they cannot talk for a long time and loudly. They get tired quickly, as if falling asleep on the go. Physical endurance suffers, even if the person was previously actively involved in sports.
Any chronic disease can progress - from asthma and arthritis to diabetes. If you have a family predisposition to some diseases, it is better to get checked after covid.
Vitamins for recovery after covid
Japanese vitamins are distinguished by a high-quality composition, the production of dietary supplements is controlled at the state level. Moreover, most Japanese dietary supplements are made for the domestic market, that is, “for themselves”, and not for export, so there is no doubt about the effectiveness. It remains only to pick up supplements that will help in the recovery process after covid.

A super-ingredient familiar to many from skin care products, but it is also effective when taken orally. Squalene is a substance based on an extract of the liver oil of deep-sea sharks that live in harsh conditions. A powerful tool for general healing of the body, strengthening the immune system, removing toxins. Favorably affects the cardiovascular system. Useful for the prevention of cancer. When taken, there is an improvement in memory, an increase in energy and daily activity. Squalene affects the systems of organisms in a complex way, eliminating negative factors.
ITOH Squalene Deep Sea Shark Extract is a 30 day supplement containing high quality squalene.
There is also DHC Squalene with Hyaluronic Acid from a well-known brand loved by many generations of Japanese people. The drug also has a beauty effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
Mid-priced squalene complex for 1 month Noguchi Squalene is also offered by the popular Japanese brand Noguchi.
After covid, special attention should be paid to the restoration of intestinal microflora. At the nutrition level, it is worth focusing on foods rich in fiber, drinking more water, and additionally using probiotics.
Probiotic Lactis LUX Chitsu contains concentrated lactobacilli of 16 types, grown in a natural way. They have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora: they activate the intestinal immunity, reduce the amount of toxic substances in the blood produced by the intestines, and reduce unpleasant odors from the body and from the mouth. And since immunity depends on the state of the intestine as a whole, lactis improves the immune balance of the whole organism. And they make your skin beautiful as a bonus.
Vitamin C
Everyone knows vitamin C not only boosts overall immunity, but also helps fight stress and, most importantly after covid, strengthens the barrier function of the respiratory system.
Vitamin C is very fragile and quickly soluble in water. It is better to opt for astable form of vitamin C DHC that dissolves slowly and stays in the body for a long time. After all, vitamin C must be contained in the body on an ongoing basis.
Unusual vitamin C in the form of chewable tabletsis offered by the ORIHIRO brand. The main thing is not to get carried away with "sweets", and observe the daily dosage.
ASAHI Dear-Natura Style Vitamin C MIX contains a daily dose of vitamin C, as well as zinc (to strengthen immunity), lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial for the intestines, vitamins B2 and B6 (for the health of mucous membranes and skin).
We propose to raise a toast to covid. But instead of a glass of wine, it is better to organize the intake of resveratrol - a polyphenol that is found in red wine and has powerful antioxidant properties and strengthens the immune system. It’s definitely impossible to replace bad wine from a bottle, the concentration is not the same. For example,Fancl's Resveratrol contains 10 mg of trans-resveratrol, which is about the same amount as in 20 glasses of red wine. Resveratrol also has anti-inflammatory properties and effectively protects the liver (which is also a recommendation in the post-COVID period).
Noguchi medical FERMENT GOLD is another supplement with resveratrol and green papaya. The latter has the glory of a powerful immunostimulant, which is used in Japanese hospitals. It is also used to treat gastrointestinal diseases.
The most "Japanese" thing on this list: FINE JAPAN Nattokinase is a complex based on Natto soybean extract. The Japanese often eat these fermented soybeans for breakfast, but the product has a specific smell and viscous consistency, not everyone will like it. Although the thing is very useful: it has a positive effect on the endocrine and circulatory system, improves well-being during colds. The complex also additionally contains red rice yeast extract (good for the cardiovascular system). Well, plus you don’t have to put up with taste sensations, just take the capsules.
Organic cosmetics
Slimming Products
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For heart
Natural astaxanthin
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For immunity
Japanese Vitamins
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