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"Lush", a beautiful, exuding an inner glow. Updated the look and feel of leather.
The new concept of effect on the Horny layer of the skin. SHISEIDO picked up the key to beauty is making the complex CE, which provides care for the stratum corneum. Collagen and elastin at the same time affect the natural ability of the skin to restore its natural beauty. Tenderness, firmness, softness and elasticity. Now the skin is not reflected neither age nor the effects of the environment. Beauty can last forever.
The key to beautiful skin lies in the stratum corneum
The stratum corneum is the surface layer of skin. Its thickness is about 0.2 mm. It protects the skin from aggressive external influences, prevents drying. Thus, the Horny layer performs several important functions.
A new approach to the care of a Horny layer
A crucial role for stratum corneum has a "CE (collagen and elastin)". This is one of the components of the shell covering the particles of moisture in the stratum corneum. Feeding "CE" increases the ability of skin to self-retain moisture, to protect themselves from external aggression. The skin is stronger and regains beauty.
Immediate result of the care for the stratum corneum
It is believed that the regeneration of the stratum corneum takes about 2 weeks. Therefore, deliberate care of the Horny layer are visible from the start. Healthy, radiant, "splendor", the elasticity is pleasing to the eye and restore harmony in the soul.
The series is designed for aging, Mature skin. Mature skin loses its ability to hold moisture, becomes drier, loses elasticity, appear the results of constant exposure to the environment. Slowing down the speed of skin renewal, the network of collagen and elastin is destroyed, and development of natural pigment becomes uneven.
Consisting of all funds ELIXIR composed of collagen and elastin. Elastin - collagen complex is a great nutrient that strengthens synthesis of own collagen and elastin, which leads to prevention of occurrence of wrinkles, restores elasticity of the skin and nourishes the cells with oxygen.